VISIT HOMEBOY INDUSTRIES WEBSITE Thank you all for reading, I wish to bring awareness to Homeboys Industries. I have been a long time supporter of all that they stand for. Recently it has come to my attention that Homeboy Industries are going through a difficult period and they need help and support. I encourage you to donate funds or purchase food/ merchandise/services.

Homeboy Industries traces its roots to “Jobs For A Future” (JFF), a program created in 1988 by Father Gregory Boyle while he was serving as pastor of Dolores Mission parish in Boyle Heights. Begun as a jobs program in 1988, offering alternatives to gang violence in one of the toughest neighborhoods in the city, the program soon grew beyond the parish. With the addition of a small bakery in a run-down warehouse across the street from Dolores Mission, JFF had its own business, one where it could hire the most challenging, difficult to place young people in a safe environment. The hope was that they could learn both concrete and soft job skills, to make them stronger, better prepared candidates for permanent employment. A tortilla stand in Grand Central Market downtown solidified the evolution of JFF into Homeboy Industries. In only a few years, Homeboy Industries has had an important impact on the Los Angeles gang problem, with young people from over half of the region’s 1,100 known gangs seeking a way out through Homeboy. Thousands of young people have walked through the doors of Homeboy Industries looking for a second chance, and finding community. Gang affiliations are left outside as these young people work together, side by side, learning the mutual respect that comes from shared tasks and challenges. Homeboy became an independent nonprofit in August of 2001, and has since grown into a national model. This year, we will celebrate our 20th anniversary as an organization in our new headquarters located in downtown Los Angeles, just two blocks from Union Station. Homeboy serves as a beacon of hope and opportunity for those seeking to leave gang life, for whom the barriers and challenges are great, and for whom there is virtually no other avenue to enter the mainstream. In addition to providing job training and placement assistance and other free programs, a distinctive feature of Homeboy Industries continues to be its small businesses, where the most difficult to place individuals are hired in transitional jobs, thus giving them a safe, supportive environment in which to learn both concrete and soft job skills, while simultaneously building their resume and work experience. Former rivals find themselves working side by side, finding true community and friendship in place of the limited community of gang life. Homeboy’s businesses now include the Homeboy Bakery, newly re-opened in our new Headquarters downtown, Homeboy Silkscreen, which prints logos on apparel and provides embroidery services; Homeboy Maintenance, which provides landscaping and maintenance services; Homeboy Merchandise, which sells t-shirts, mugs, tote bags, and mouse pads with the Homeboy logo, now with a retail storefront in the new Headquarters, as well as online ordering; Homegirl Café, newly expanded in the new building with 86 seats, plus a dedicated Catering kitchen provides a training ground dedicated to female clients in all aspects of the restaurant and service industry. A pilot program, Homeboy Press, will publish a literary magazine in late 2008.

"From Gangs to 'Green Collar'", Homeboy is featured on Sunday, February 22nd Good Morning America Weekend

HOMEBOY INDUSTRIES featured on explore.org, a philanthropic multimedia project of the Annenberg Foundation that showcases cutting-edge non-profit efforts around the world through documentaries, short films, video moments and photography:


Fr. Gregory Boyle on NPR's FRESH AIR (audio)

Homeboy Industries: Archived in UCLA's Chicano Studies Research Library

Documentary on Homeboy Industries by John Bohm: Father G and the Homeboys (trailer/excerpt):

Homeboy Industries featured in Daughtry's video "What About Now"

News report on Homeboy Industries Grand Opening Oct., 2007:

Father Greg Boyle speaks about Gangs in LA

Homeboy music video, composed by three of our own homies:

Jennifer Barbara's video project on Homeboy Industries

©2024 Edward James Olmos